Monday, November 12, 2007

Like brown is the new black, is Iphone the Judaism?

Standing in line for hours at a time does not seem to phase many of the costumers who wait on these lines overnight to be the firsts to get the brand new Apple Iphone. People praise it like an unlikely religious devotion. But what makes it better then the rest? It comes standard with a high-tech camera, a phone, text messaging, a portable media player, visual voicemail, and WIFI connection. All of this isn't far off from what most phones can do, except for the touch screen. The reason for the high-demand of such a pointless product, is that people have to to feel they have the latest and greatest. It gives them a sense of a power trip, because of the high price tag, being $399, it leads them to believe it is the best out there. Even though within a few months there will be something better out there, and those same gullible, naive people will be standing on the same lines for what evers next.

This product will definitely make a stiff Christmas competitor, although it is going through a technology war right now. The Iphone was designed to be used with AT&T, although consumers don't find this fair. Until one very lucky Glen rock teenager learn how to unlock the Iphone, freeing it from it's exclusive use with AT&T. George Hotz has gained loads of fame uncovering this secret, yet has started a mobile uprising.. There have been full on small businesses and companies created which have devoted themselves to unlocking Iphones from Apple customers. Apple has threatened customers if they were to unlock the phone and use a different service provider the phone won't work, but the "hackers" have assured us that this is all rubbish and it is completely safe. It may be safe, but it is entirely illegal! But that hasn't stop people from doing this and things of it's sort before. Now before you go out and buy yourself an Iphone and fall into the usual consumer craze trap for the newest and latest, consider that your just a pawn in someone who is much wealthier then you's chess game.

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