In a city where discrimination was once an everyday occurrence, now acceptance and assimilation is the key. Under the noise of the No.6 train on Westchester ave. there are a couple of ladies who really know how to do some hair. Although they were not always ladies….Four of the eight stylists at Lupe’s Place are transgender. Lupe Gonzalez opened the salon in 1993, she comes from a big family and had only been in New York for six years prior to that from Puebla, Mexico.
She had other jobs before getting the hair salon, but “I came as a boy, but I was very feminine.” said Lupe. Up until about 1991 Ms. Gonzalez was Mr. Gonzalez with a mustache and short hair. In the midst of the Bronx seems like a dubious choice for the salon considering it’s nearly thirteen miles away from the heart of the city’s gay communities, Chelsea and the West Village. But in the twenty first century things have become more acceptable and less judged, Lupe can set up shop wherever she wants.
The shop functions like any other hair salon in New York City covered in the fog of hairspray, brushing on highlights, to the noise of the hot blow dryer, Ms. Gonzalez and the ladies have things under control. With a steady cliental who wouldn’t go anywhere else, it is a family shop whose PR is strictly through word of mouth. With the booming salsa music and girl’s just want to have fun vibe, it shows exactly that, girl’s just want to have one. It turns out that not everything in this city has been overrun with industry and commercial Mecca’s.
She had other jobs before getting the hair salon, but “I came as a boy, but I was very feminine.” said Lupe. Up until about 1991 Ms. Gonzalez was Mr. Gonzalez with a mustache and short hair. In the midst of the Bronx seems like a dubious choice for the salon considering it’s nearly thirteen miles away from the heart of the city’s gay communities, Chelsea and the West Village. But in the twenty first century things have become more acceptable and less judged, Lupe can set up shop wherever she wants.
The shop functions like any other hair salon in New York City covered in the fog of hairspray, brushing on highlights, to the noise of the hot blow dryer, Ms. Gonzalez and the ladies have things under control. With a steady cliental who wouldn’t go anywhere else, it is a family shop whose PR is strictly through word of mouth. With the booming salsa music and girl’s just want to have fun vibe, it shows exactly that, girl’s just want to have one. It turns out that not everything in this city has been overrun with industry and commercial Mecca’s.