Monday, September 24, 2007

The Nazis ruined it for all of us.....

Swastika, when a person hears that word, what does one think of? Usually, hate, the holocaust, Hitler, skin-heads, racial supremacy, are what most people think of. But in fact that should not be the case. Swastika is derived from the word svasti from Sanskrit meaning well being. The swastika is an ancient religious symbol for Hindus and Buddhists, and has represented the sun, strength and good luck to many groups around the world. Archaeological evidence of the shape of the swastika dates back to the Neolithic period. Since its adoption by the Nazi Party in 1920, people in the West have associated the swastika with Nazi dictator Hitler.

The symbol is often imprinted on religious texts, flags and even wedding invitations. What kind of sick and twisted mind would look at such a positive figure and doom it to evil. O right, Hitler! Whether it was meant to be controversial and hypocritical or just plain wrong, it has done its damage. Western culture will never be able to look a Swastika with the warmth and love of a person from one of the Dharmic religions. So basically Hitler and the Nazi party have took it upon themselves to once again take something that is happy and good in the world and crush it.

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